Wednesday, August 8, 2007


A card reading can focus on a specific question (like, what's the forecast for my relationship with my dreamy lover? Or, what's the best way to approach the situation with my evil boss? Or, I can't decide whether to move or stay where I'm at, what might come up with either possibility), or they can give a general outlook.

The great thing about tarot is there are soooo many different spreads, so I can tailor mine to each individual seeker's needs. If they want a light reading, a three-card quickie spread can usually do it, and there are vast and varied readings for those looking for more in-depth insight. There are spreads that specifically look at health and disease, financial situations, should I or shouldn't I options, relationships, luck. THere's a "flying bird" spread that's great for anyone taking a leap, whether it's starting a new business or artistic project, or contemplating any bold move. There's a High Priestess reading (with a hidden card) that indicates what path a person is on. There are couples' readings at all levels (from a few cards to a lot of cards, depending on the level of information a person wants). There's a short diamond spread and a longer Celtic Cross (and a few others) that give a general overview of what's going on, why, and where it's going. There's a Golden Dawn reading that looks at more than one psosible path, and in depth at what a person is contributing themselves, and what's coming from the outside world. There are all kinds of readings to look at a person's overall strengths and weaknesses, or their overall nature and core issues.

I often think of tarot as a way to organize and look at possibilitiees and trends ina person's life. Usually the outcome isn't that surprising to the person asking the question, but (at least I hope) it's a lot more clear and focused.

Currently Listening:
"All Night Thing" - Temple of the Dog

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